A Bible in !Xun
To translate the complete Bible in !Xun, a San language.
- Approximately 4 000 San who speak !Xun live in Platfontein, near Kimberley in the Northern Cape. This group is primarily from Angola but they have lived in South Africa for more than 20 years.
- Furthermore, about 10 000 to 15 000 speakers of this language are still living in Angola and Namibia.
- The group in Platfontein has a school, a church and a radio station, but not a Bible. Scripture reading is done from the Luchazi Bible (a language of Angola) and Afrikaans. The children, however, no longer understand Luchazi.
- After thorough research, in co-operation with the Bible Societies of Namibia and Botswana, as well as other Bible translation agencies that operate in the areas where the San live, a decision was made that the Bible Society of South Africa would undertake the translation of the Bible into !Xun.
- A translation team comprised of three members and a Review Committee of approximately 20 members started the translation in 2018.
- The three translators have already done separate draft translations (phases 1 and 2) of Genesis to Malachi. The Review Committee had reviewed Genesis and Exodus (phase 3).
Expected impact
- A Bible will be made available in the heart language of !Xun speakers in South Africa, Angola and Namibia.
How can you help?
Every R100 received will contribute towards the translation of the Bible in !Xun this year.
Make a difference. Be a sower of hope.
* Please use reference code: 1017
Bank: ABSA
Account number: 260 208 950
Branch Code: 632-005
* Please use reference code: 1017

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